

XinLiYF 发布时间:2018-3-9 20:26
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6 u  S2 L& Y8 a% H3 W$ r
* y4 Q  o/ j+ p
) [+ T0 |) m& H
       在实际的项目开发过程中,常常会遇到硬件电路的修改,然后修改的部分就需要修改驱动程序。想这样需求该来该去是程序员们最烦闷的事情(重复劳动痛不欲生啊~)。为了避免或减少重复劳动,就需要在程序的架构上下功夫。接下来以最常见的LED驱动程序为例,进行程序结构设计。; n8 [! X1 T2 t- i7 P. y

. a2 L- w% o2 S6 q( s) U" q1,开发环境: o6 c' J7 R( t! Q. ^. c# D0 o: y
+ v, M/ u" N2 \; B1 U7 V" E0 |
, `. l) }: t/ h' S     2,编译器:ARMCC V5.065 Q" _# B. o- j: {5 @; u
     3,IDE:Keil uVision5
0 S9 T3 `+ |! w8 \; Y. H     4,操作系统:Windows 10 专业版/ D5 }# k5 ~; o/ z' x

% I* A' o/ I# s% y

+ w0 j$ k8 K+ s7 }2 G" l* {4 N2,程序源码
4 F# i9 d. {- y7 x  h+ a$ `      LED.h文件
( z2 U% R: Z0 |$ h$ N
  1. /**
    $ m* _2 b! M- {5 {4 ^3 ~4 K! ?
  2.   ******************************************************************************
      v0 j3 ]9 l1 R  m9 B, L9 r
  3.   * @file    LED.h
    6 J; z0 P8 A) a& y5 Y
  4.   * @author  XinLi
    0 l) s  p% k9 H( k3 s
  5.   * @version v1.09 W: n  e& @  B2 b7 p
  6.   * @date    24-October-2017
    " f- Q  |. T$ @5 H
  7.   * @brief   Header file for LED.c module.
    - L1 O2 N( P4 P* P
  8.   ******************************************************************************
    # N$ v4 W$ Y$ ]! }) b& K8 _
  9.   * @attention
    2 z9 F; }8 O2 L
  10.   *
    9 N' a* i2 G/ j3 |+ ?
  11.   * <h2><center>Copyright © 2017 XinLi</center></h2>! I  y& N8 R: i
  12.   *. {4 t7 ~# Y0 R* E8 N  R" [# U
  13.   * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    , m/ C) S' }( R4 X5 I6 e8 Q! N, Z
  14.   * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by9 E- w" z* b9 Z3 o- w9 Z* o2 G
  15.   * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or& `3 Q. K& e' Y& }7 u
  16.   * (at your option) any later version.
    ; j5 T& k% Z! L1 P5 A
  17.   *
    # i! f; e! o7 C2 J$ e8 g8 R
  18.   * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,+ h6 S1 t  l. P3 E3 N1 e' @; W
  19.   * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    ( C3 S9 w5 h! l: w" H. v  `' t
  21.   * GNU General Public License for more details.) L! l, z4 D7 R
  22.   *
    / r; G8 X4 @2 k, j
  23.   * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License, A' g$ j% X: s5 ^
  24.   * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.3 C- n, _& K2 t1 U2 O
  25.   *1 b# W2 ~  Z; n
  26.   ******************************************************************************* ]# w. F' N" Y) J, o+ ]* H) v6 \
  27.   */* M; `  g+ |& u/ U

  28.   |8 L, T2 ~0 y
  29. #ifndef __LED_H
    ( X) E! J0 }2 j0 {  T- t
  30. #define __LED_H0 H7 \( V, Z/ M9 [( `  B0 I4 Z
  31. * [# S8 F/ o9 u' _: B3 ~/ b
  32. #ifdef __cplusplus
    & u; u* W; m2 b  ]* M. H+ p$ D8 H& R
  33. extern "C" {, }, F+ L1 z( F- l6 b- x5 K
  34. #endif, o9 s+ _7 Q4 ~/ M0 n' M. }
  35. 1 ?! F) B& J) W- b. ^* x5 `
  36. /* Header includes -----------------------------------------------------------*/0 m( H# g2 N7 x. u# b( \+ t
  37. #include "stm32f4xx.h"! ]3 C2 G8 Z- q* y; ^

  38. 3 S% s5 _# [( U" V
  39. /* Macro definitions ---------------------------------------------------------*/: E+ i0 P* B5 B0 n6 c4 K
  40. #define LEDn                      (4)
    / M8 C. ~6 {5 w$ a7 y' L$ c8 r2 n

  41. ; n0 m1 B! q# Q. n3 ?3 E
  42. #define LED1_RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIO  RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIOC  ^' p; M* @: P% ^* [
  43. #define LED1_GPIO                 GPIOC
    ; D+ I, O! P/ `; `
  44. #define LED1_GPIO_Pin             GPIO_Pin_09 V& D, `3 x/ Y9 `. S

  45. 2 A% z0 D# z5 G" R: K2 Y* [2 O
  46. #define LED2_RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIO  RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIOC% O% F7 l& [6 I
  47. #define LED2_GPIO                 GPIOC
    6 A/ `9 a2 R- L$ f; _4 h3 F, Z$ m2 q3 d
  48. #define LED2_GPIO_Pin             GPIO_Pin_1
    & R# K8 S- X, P4 B( ?5 J
  49. 8 G, A4 D; f$ b/ I) R
  50. #define LED3_RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIO  RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIOB
    " n; Z- e5 l8 p* m2 M  P% e
  51. #define LED3_GPIO                 GPIOB! Y2 |& d$ G  a
  52. #define LED3_GPIO_Pin             GPIO_Pin_3: s3 p: l: D- t; {( U: F) f
  53. 4 W6 J# v# h. R8 ]2 ~+ l+ b
  54. #define LED4_RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIO  RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIOB
    0 O% B0 F- H* E3 `
  55. #define LED4_GPIO                 GPIOB* r' P: Y3 M8 t* c& ~& M) ^
  56. #define LED4_GPIO_Pin             GPIO_Pin_4
    ( c, p8 G* r/ g9 P# C
  57.   m) X9 S! f8 y6 B7 I; Z1 X
  58. /* Type definitions ----------------------------------------------------------*/
    ( z1 n' h$ B1 @/ }. c
  59. typedef enum
      D2 J$ ^6 j! c
  60. {5 Q) `+ g3 o4 w6 R
  61.   LED_Pin1 = 0,. E* J3 i9 ]4 L
  62.   LED_Pin2 = 1,# ^( U: l, \9 i3 e4 E5 v
  63.   LED_Pin3 = 2,9 m9 E7 P4 M" l- i
  64.   LED_Pin4 = 3  @7 K# N+ l2 F$ N7 ]: W, w9 v
  65. }LED_Pin;
    0 P7 T+ z! ?0 u7 v
  66. * D' S, ]/ v+ z: s2 u1 L1 H( i
  67. typedef enum
    , M1 ?4 f- D$ o2 L
  68. {
    4 P) h( I. o; Z: S7 }$ `( j
  69.   LED_Off = 0,
    0 b" z, P4 J' L. I3 k3 o
  70.   LED_On  = 14 O/ {3 p$ R4 t, w$ d/ {
  71. }LED_Status;
    - J% G7 K  V7 A6 X" w/ x  @2 I

  72. ! x! P/ `# z( f% w5 }( `
  73. /* Variable declarations -----------------------------------------------------*/
    $ W9 i  G  Y& ^$ J7 ?+ [$ `
  74. /* Variable definitions ------------------------------------------------------*/" F% U5 g0 L% `/ n: n
  75. /* Function declarations -----------------------------------------------------*/# t# V( C( D* B1 a7 U2 z
  76. void LED_SetStatus(LED_Pin pin, LED_Status status);
    , q. J( Y4 J1 p6 _2 \( r
  77. LED_Status LED_GetStatus(LED_Pin pin);
    " q- n) L: n: v$ d1 H

  78. ) w" Q7 o4 k6 ^0 Y  i# v- [3 i
  79. /* Function definitions ------------------------------------------------------*/
      K3 C6 v) `0 w9 W+ @
  80. 7 ?9 u( O! }/ l
  81. #ifdef __cplusplus
    " l! `& N- V# H
  82. }0 S( I: t4 K! ~9 B6 {* ?
  83. #endif
    & G+ J1 r8 Y; e6 n* e. S" e

  84. ( u  W% \6 ?8 W" h7 p; x/ m. o
  85. #endif /* __LED_H */3 }& U; s/ x$ O3 d1 [) z& |
5 G( q8 E) ]* L" d) d
      LED.c文件, t, z) ]( \3 V( R) W# Z
  1. /**  a& P2 h. y- {& o$ e: o  Y
  2.   ******************************************************************************
    ; T' K0 E+ c0 X. _
  3.   * @file    LED.c4 y9 ^( F9 ]1 a+ U/ g' T- x8 e
  4.   * @author  XinLi
    : V- _: q  v, n& R6 d, u4 q! r
  5.   * @version v1.07 z8 H) y  [5 X4 G4 v, A
  6.   * @date    24-October-2017( q4 J6 n  q0 Q* p/ {0 a7 N4 `# V
  7.   * @brief   LED module driver.( N# c8 I7 A3 I5 ?, U7 ^
  8.   ******************************************************************************
    " f' V' e2 z0 I# \1 z- g# G: _9 s1 c
  9.   * @attention& q0 T3 L+ L/ H/ X
  10.   *) I3 m9 I' S5 j: `; O: I: q3 Z
  11.   * <h2><center>Copyright © 2017 XinLi</center></h2>( A8 a7 O0 S$ i! M) f. W& m, E. j
  12.   *- S- o, ^' R& Y1 a0 y
  13.   * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify/ z* Y$ c! i" |% q
  14.   * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by) Q# @/ H, b; g! Y8 K! T& I
  15.   * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or$ J) E# V  ~9 I5 V+ M4 g
  16.   * (at your option) any later version.
    # H+ i) x6 u8 A5 g( }: S
  17.   ** R% i9 I. }' _; u, G6 u% g
  18.   * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    1 d, v5 I" {3 I# u8 i" G7 Q
  19.   * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    " I* n; ^5 `. X+ A. ^
  20.   * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the5 g6 O$ v6 H( P" n1 x6 V# G' V
  21.   * GNU General Public License for more details.$ D% x' L) E/ A
  22.   *
    # b  l) @6 u0 R2 F
  23.   * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    2 \7 L7 r' C4 i7 V) m
  24.   * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.( O* [; t# {3 \
  25.   *$ O3 C. v' u. T) _  m
  26.   ******************************************************************************; o+ f4 O: ^$ t2 p/ c
  27.   */
      }. T; K: d2 r& _

  28. ' N2 A2 k6 u& Q3 {5 [  n9 L
  29. /* Header includes -----------------------------------------------------------*/
    + K4 X; ?4 @/ B% r6 t& `4 A1 K
  30. #include "LED.h"! Y: D5 A* g( @/ `6 E
  31. #include <stdbool.h>0 ~6 P% I5 c% L  [0 R

  32. # z( ]6 L# [# @' Z
  33. /* Macro definitions ---------------------------------------------------------*// x8 |; ~2 `! f0 n( P1 y
  34. /* Type definitions ----------------------------------------------------------*/7 \$ `$ H8 O$ K0 q0 ]0 E: d: i
  35. /* Variable declarations -----------------------------------------------------*/
    8 ~7 I9 V& b7 q+ o' v
  36. /* Variable definitions ------------------------------------------------------*/2 }6 _# J1 E. y( c* t6 b8 Z- a5 E
  37. static      GPIO_TypeDef *LED_GPIO[LEDn]                = {LED1_GPIO, LED2_GPIO, LED3_GPIO, LED4_GPIO};
    7 v0 H. I6 o: K" `( X8 q  R/ N
  38. static      uint16_t      LED_GPIO_Pin[LEDn]            = {LED1_GPIO_Pin, LED2_GPIO_Pin, LED3_GPIO_Pin, LED4_GPIO_Pin};8 H( w- ]/ t& G8 j! F5 q/ W# ~
  39. static      uint32_t      LED_RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIO[LEDn] = {LED1_RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIO, LED2_RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIO, LED3_RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIO, LED4_RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIO};
    3 I6 U( m& a3 r- n: D; R
  40. static __IO LED_Status    ledStatus[LEDn]               = {LED_Off, LED_Off, LED_Off, LED_Off};' `4 M+ G4 F0 g; D' n9 F

  41. 6 b. x7 S# s! y0 ?8 @
  42. /* Function declarations -----------------------------------------------------*/* b. [+ r6 j" Y* E' w/ {# n8 e
  43. static void LED_Init(void);0 {! v# h2 j& Q0 i# v

  44. 7 ^% Q1 b9 R7 S/ R
  45. /* Function definitions ------------------------------------------------------*// s* e$ @7 q5 Y- y! h* ?

  46. 6 [! x- c' R0 \3 [
  47. /**% `! D4 K# M: Q) }& }- E3 K2 Q6 B
  48.   * @brief  Led initializes.
    $ C# j6 _; b+ U) B. n
  49.   * @param  None.
    / N, p) \" h' d6 C$ m
  50.   * @return None.
    8 e) ?4 t) x5 P3 S7 t
  51.   */
    9 r- C( F" g6 j
  52. static void LED_Init(void)
    , w6 @0 D; t- ~1 Z
  53. {9 [, A8 S0 Q, h! {- }
  54.   static bool init_flag = false;% p4 {6 B! X. }9 N% S: k
    + k4 ^6 X" b2 h  e6 H, |7 |/ V
  56.   if(init_flag == false)
    . Y9 y0 m) {$ e. d8 H  R4 ~
  57.   {
    ; f3 y. ]& {( w6 c7 @1 G& ]$ Y5 ^
  58.     init_flag = true;
    + H& F. ^, L' l2 A  z
    % `" ]" g, Q9 r; y/ q% ?
  60.     for(int i = 0; i < LEDn; i++): d* i. E8 {' ^5 p$ d- z# a
  61.     {
    4 q1 H0 S/ y5 q" D
  62.       GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure = {0};
    - E4 L" V6 A9 }/ j
    ( W& [# A% K- n, |% i7 i; F( e/ B
  64.       RCC_AHB1PeriphClockCmd(LED_RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIO[i], ENABLE);
    * j: U+ N! k0 ]5 G
  65.       ) l  }7 ^) I/ n# k
  66.       GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin   = LED_GPIO_Pin[i];
    + B0 L, u( P4 l
  67.       GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode  = GPIO_Mode_OUT;% Z0 }. N* u. I& a
  68.       GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_100MHz;
    ( l' y5 T' d; s* z. @
  69.       GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_OType = GPIO_OType_PP;
    2 N5 l/ r) F& _
  70.       GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_PuPd  = GPIO_PuPd_UP;6 e. b; T$ n* [7 A1 U% g) j/ @2 N( _" N
  71.       GPIO_Init(LED_GPIO[i], &GPIO_InitStructure);9 c2 N% B1 k) N9 ?: ]% S) j
    5 L9 q4 z! l; K
  73.       GPIO_WriteBit(LED_GPIO[i], LED_GPIO_Pin[i], (BitAction)LED_Off);
    3 l# c1 {1 ~. k$ \. `
  74.     }
    * ~9 b% D8 o( }) }9 q) e1 k9 n
  75.   }  ]2 ~' f( S. [! W4 Y
  76. }+ X9 C9 z$ K& W# O; K* f# {
  77. , Z- T6 y" v  b& Q4 ^% M5 T" d
  78. /**- j3 V4 i( z* f( @- F
  79.   * @brief  Set led status.
      y; j$ g) {) R
  80.   * @param  [in] pin:    That led.
    ; R, O% ^! y' ~+ C7 o/ W% z
  81.   * @param  [in] status: Led status.  L, ]% K) ]( P
  82.   * @return None.6 M  Z2 j6 G: x6 H
  83.   */* D+ ?2 [7 p% p1 ^
  84. void LED_SetStatus(LED_Pin pin, LED_Status status)) i& q/ S0 T& e% }& {
  85. {
    0 p9 {' K/ w" b! r7 G. u2 C  Y8 @0 ^
  86.   if(status != ledStatus[pin])
    $ r  B' a. N7 s1 X4 x& y" Z, O5 D
  87.   {
    % \5 s) s: O* E5 b$ Z2 N1 E
  88.     ledStatus[pin] = status;
    - q0 s" n: c3 S
  89.     6 l, u6 _: O  K' _! B
  90.     LED_Init();
    6 C6 u; O) J; ~* E
  91.     5 \7 N! i& S. M
  92.     GPIO_WriteBit(LED_GPIO[pin], LED_GPIO_Pin[pin], (BitAction)status);
    % }' E" Y; F/ Z/ [) `1 x2 X* V
  93.   }
    . E+ f) x4 I0 a& N
  94. }
    5 X* a+ R) o, T3 A
  95. 3 @, V" w" ?6 f. {& d8 D
  96. /**
    " V& u  P& r9 E3 J" B
  97.   * @brief  Get led status.3 M  P: {0 U8 B, g& b* N6 e  c  R( f7 `
  98.   * @param  [in] pin: That led.! o5 u1 `1 ^. G& i3 c$ w, \; K; m6 h$ g
  99.   * @return Led status.
    3 U& s4 A& t0 N8 C9 U  h
  100.   */
    / N$ @! ?% D4 x" D
  101. LED_Status LED_GetStatus(LED_Pin pin)
    3 J6 h( t8 S6 j1 Q
  102. {: z" N; X9 H, c2 I7 n' ?7 f
  103.   return ledStatus[pin];: h% S7 F1 y  c( s7 g' I- u
  104. }
    7 h% s3 H; l1 j; |- `8 q

! Y6 h# ]# v( \$ r      main.c文件
" q* w7 y9 t% r0 {2 {
  1. /**6 i  U. \$ u) Z9 J: n: {
  2.   ******************************************************************************
    & A7 m$ {$ L$ S) P  M
  3.   * @file    main.c
    + |4 y) d6 B4 A
  4.   * @author  XinLi
    : m) ~4 e% M' x% L. s
  5.   * @version v1.0: [: k7 w; h9 [2 E5 p" h" |8 k
  6.   * @date    24-October-20172 z6 F1 a( h4 u5 X! `
  7.   * @brief   Main program body.
    " t" i5 l1 h. j% Y6 u8 f& F
  8.   ******************************************************************************
    . {4 j2 U2 }2 Y6 d
  9.   * @attention; y8 Z6 }. j- f0 N0 i! ?% |
  10.   *) }0 P* Z5 W) Y) k1 Y* |% ]
  11.   * <h2><center>Copyright © 2017 XinLi</center></h2>) J5 Q: e, y# n: t$ h/ H* n
  12.   *
    + l# B7 y! O/ Z1 @
  13.   * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    0 P1 Z2 ?1 v% Y7 }/ L/ L
  14.   * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    7 {: l$ Z1 D1 f
  15.   * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    , z6 X* w5 V1 _! g8 q
  16.   * (at your option) any later version.
    5 a! p! h/ G' _' k: U6 Z& q
  17.   *2 ]( m1 o# b/ c; l8 i4 f$ j  W1 l- @! n
  18.   * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
      d( [5 s* D. @) I: L- b* y4 D
  19.   * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of' R4 o6 r4 W$ l- T) o/ x
    : v7 Q% L% G7 o/ D* ~
  21.   * GNU General Public License for more details.+ f: v5 S( t& R$ K, ?
  22.   */ y; T5 |8 @8 W# M3 y
  23.   * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    $ u$ s$ z: f* f- l7 O7 g) U9 g
  24.   * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.8 T9 `% w; M* f- Z
  25.   *6 T3 s5 Z3 J( M7 r4 f
  26.   ******************************************************************************; ]- N# H9 `5 Z# d4 w# [
  27.   */
    8 g/ O. `8 l1 K- k' Z0 w

  28. 3 n: a# N: e$ x$ J: P
  29. /* Header includes -----------------------------------------------------------*/
    ' [6 `9 D& @8 l
  30. #include "main.h"
    ! {" Y/ J# k2 {$ _: J& h0 h/ M
  31. #include "Delay.h"! v( [$ a. C( D; z
  32. #include "LED.h"
    + O) |: M! R( R0 }, g% g& E3 a

  33. , ~; A' K) ~+ F, q+ H4 w+ {6 V
  34. /* Macro definitions ---------------------------------------------------------*/7 W( c6 n8 Y9 h9 Y
  35. /* Type definitions ----------------------------------------------------------*/
    ) T; ^. `8 l2 ?6 {1 _6 C; A
  36. /* Variable declarations -----------------------------------------------------*/
    7 [9 e7 [. Z" ?& \
  37. /* Variable definitions ------------------------------------------------------*/
    % N6 V5 J. P) i3 X, c
  38. /* Function declarations -----------------------------------------------------*/- ?1 V, Z$ u. E; b
  39. /* Function definitions ------------------------------------------------------*/- l! \3 X* T' b1 {# f
  40. " |7 c4 w% p+ h3 z
  41. /**' r' }& B. T9 Z9 c7 m
  42.   * @brief  Main program.4 K0 P4 e- N9 S
  43.   * @param  None.! d% ~2 {. W& o8 i
  44.   * @return None.
    ' ]0 L' O$ i8 j0 l7 t# N
  45.   */: ?* k) g+ n. l  {
  46. int main(void)7 K! I6 s7 k! I! t, T
  47. {1 ^* V8 L' P% f2 `
  48.   for(;;)% `$ L' ~& d: G$ r. s" w
  49.   {. w6 H# E' u- Q5 X6 \& q6 b
  50.     Delay_ms(500);
    ( X( Q7 f+ @7 b
  51.     LED_SetStatus(LED_Pin1, LED_On);1 A& T) z; Y, c7 L; f( a8 L6 n
  52.     Delay_ms(500);/ q* L3 K3 Z3 |/ ?$ f7 T3 d# W2 c
  53.     LED_SetStatus(LED_Pin2, LED_On);
    6 a& J& `* Z1 t4 a+ K3 H5 @
  54.     Delay_ms(500);
    : @$ t$ j4 ^  a) Y+ L# H! V  _4 V
  55.     LED_SetStatus(LED_Pin1, LED_Off);' k' _6 R4 B' B* [5 q- L- B8 l% [" j
  56.     Delay_ms(500);' n2 @$ t0 K* |/ S) j
  57.     LED_SetStatus(LED_Pin2, LED_Off);
    , J) V0 `5 t+ v8 t( T  {# s
  58.   }
    + @. b) |3 e5 v- Q+ F5 e: R
  59. }
    " Z) u; ^+ [1 y8 D; f

: w+ S8 R* \9 v: u$ Q. ~3,注意* R$ y* T- G1 [& ]- c# A
       修改接口需要注意,LED的驱动方式和增减LED的个数。对应修改LED_Status枚举和源文件的变量定义。3 t  B- i1 }1 D& W3 F- A2 f7 P

2 p% h! H/ O3 [, H1 g
收藏 评论1 发布时间:2018-3-9 20:26


XinLiYF 回答时间:2018-3-10 11:01:38
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